Miss South Dakota PSA - 2022

Private Interview

10 minutes total, questions are on general topics, current events, items from your resume, and from your social impact essay. This is an opportunity to let the judges get to know you. The judging will emphasize your poise in handling the questions and how well you articulate your beliefs on the issue, not the position you take. The judges are looking for: overall first impression, qualities, and attributes of Miss America, positive role model, knowledge and understanding of your Social Impact Initiative (SII), ability to fulfill job responsibilities, confident and commanding presence, etc. 


A favorite of candidates, judges, and the audience. The time limit for talent is ninety seconds. The judges are looking for: overall first impression, interpretive ability, technical skill, stage presence, the totality of all elements including costume, music, and choreography, quality of the performance, and entertainment value.


This phase of the competition is an extension of the private interview. The judges are evaluating your extemporaneous responses to the onstage question, sense of empowerment, and passion for your SII. Other judging criteria includes poise, confidence, and comfort level in speaking before a large audience.


As part of changes made at Miss America Scholarship Program by new CEO Robin Fleming, this component of the competition is for all states and will involve wearing fitness apparel by Miss America sponsor Rebel Athletics.

Red Carpet

The contestant’s entire look and stage presence is taken into consideration The judges are looking for: overall first impression, sense of confidence, walk, posture, carriage, and grace, personality, stage presence, beauty and sense of attractiveness, appropriateness of the evening wear.